Same Day Registration
Same Day Registration (SDR) is a common sense reform that allows voters to register to vote or update their existing registration with proof of residence, on Election Day and during the Early Voting period. Currently in Massachusetts, a 20 day cutoff for voter registration disenfranchises thousands of voters. The policy ensures every eligible voter a guaranteed opportunity to vote. In place since 1973 and now in 21 states SDR is a simple and cost-effective way of including all voices in our democratic process.
Guarantee the vote
It is estimated that over 100,000 Massachusetts voters would benefit from having SDR. SDR's impact is shown to be higher among young voters who move more frequently due to the rising cost of rent.
Civic Engagement
Studies show that voters become more interested in elections as it gets closer to Election Day, more specifically the week of the election. Whereas early deadlines to complete voter registration impede voters who decide to vote in the final weeks of a campaign.
Increase Turnout
Massachusetts ranks 17th in turnout nationwide according to Non-Profit Vote. Due to its political activeness, implementing SDR would not only increase MA turnout by an average of 4-12%, but also make MA a top state in voter turnout. Nearly all states with SDR see higher turnout than we do.
Modernize Elections
With Automatic Voter Registration in place, SDR will clean up whatever AVR does not cover. The two systems in sync together will help with long-term cost controls and improve efficiency and integrity in our elections system.