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Día de Kayak & Canoas -- Kayaking Days on Condor St. via Greenroots
Come with your friends and family to enjoy a day of kayaking and canoeing!

Time & Location
Jul 13, 2019, 10:00 AM
300 Condor St, 300 Condor St, Boston, MA 02128, USA
About the event
Ven con tus amigxs y familia a disfrutar de un dia de kayak y canoas. Conectate con el río del barrio! Habrán juegos y bebidas!
*gratis para todxs
Para más información con Noemy Rodriguez: ---------------------------------------- Come with your friends and family to enjoy a day of kayaking and canoeing. Come out and get in the Eastie-Chelsea Creek! There will be games and beverages!
*free for everyone
For more information contact John Walkey:
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