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July 21, 2021:

BREAKING NEWS: the state's Joint Committee on Transportation is holding a hearing on the FARE Act next Wednesday, July 28th at 2 PM.

As a reminder, the FARE Act would make all bus, subway, and trolley service fare-free for all statewide primaries and elections. It would apply to the MBTA, as well as the state's 15 regional transit authorities, meaning that it would serve virtually all of the state.

This is big news because we've supported the FARE Act since it was introduced this past February. Through our leadership, the FARE Act has gained the support of more than 100 state legislators, mayors and city councilors, and advocacy organizations. We have also helped feature the FARE Act in news outlets like the Boston Globe, the Eagle-Tribune, and 22 News.

But to make sure the FARE Act has a real shot at becoming law, we need your support. We need you to tell the state's Joint Committee on Transportation to support the FARE Act as swiftly as possible.

To do so, first reference the resources on our website, like our Democracy Briefing and our Advocacy Toolkit. Then, share your support with the Transportation Committee. You may either give oral testimony via Zoom by filling out this form, or you may submit written testimony by submitting your remarks to Regardless of how you do it, it's critical you have your voice heard.

If you have any questions, or require any assistance, please let us know, and we'll be happy to help you.

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