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We're Hiring!


MassVOTE is seeking a Policy and Organizing Manager to join our team full-time. The Policy and Organizing Manager will lead many of our campaigns both "inside" and "outside" Beacon Hill. "Inside," they will perform tasks like lobbying legislators, conducting legislative research, and writing policy analysis. Outside, they will lead grassroots organizing efforts to (a) build support for MassVOTE’s policy agenda; and (b) foster a greater sense of civic engagement throughout Massachusetts. This will occur through our Democracy HUBS (Holistically Unifying Blocks of Solidarity) initiative, involving the creation of robust, diverse, and sustainable civic engagement programming that is accessible and culturally competent to the communities we serve.

We believe this position ideal for those with experience in the organizing and/or public policy field. Whether you recently wrapped up a political campaign or are a seasoned policy analyst, we are eager to consider you for this role

You can learn more about and apply for the Policy and Organizing Manager position by clicking here, or the image above. Also, spread the word! Share this with anyone you believe may be interested.

If you have any questions, contact us at

Thank you!

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