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Looking Back and Moving Forward

Updated: Apr 24, 2023

May 13, 2021

We've got some exciting news to share. Earlier this week, co-hosted the VOTES Act Virtual Lobby Lunch, where residents from across the state turned out to tell their legislators why they support the VOTES Act. Though we're still finalizing the numbers, around 150 people attended, and calls were made to dozens of state representatives and senators. Some activists went beyond this single step and met with their legislators via Zoom. We're thrilled by these exciting results, and want to thank you for making them possible. If you want to continue showing your support for the VOTES Act - or do so for the first time - you should check out these resources.

Even though we celebrate this success - and celebrate we should - our work is far from done. Today at 4 PM, we're joining our partners in the Democracy Behind Bars Coalition to phone bank for the voting rights of eligible incarcerated voters. Specifically, we'll be calling voters across the state, asking them to contact their legislators in support of H.836 and S.474. These reforms would help break down the types of barriers that currently make it incredibly difficult for eligible incarcerated voters to actually vote. It will, for example, mandate that sheriffs provide eligible incarcerated voters with key forms like voter registration forms and absentee ballot applications.

Click here to sign up for the phone bank, or press the button below. If you'd like to support us further, you can sign up for future volunteer opportunities here, or donate to us here.

As always, thank you for your support. Without it, actions and events like these simply wouldn't be possible.

- All of us at MassVOTE

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