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Statement on COVID-19

At MassVOTE, we are above all committed to the common good. Typically, this centers on promoting voting rights and voter engagement. To achieve these ends, we maximize our public presence, taking steps that include holding voter registration drives, organizing grassroots events, and speaking at large-scale gatherings. Yet the rapid emergence of and public health threats posed by COVID-19 mean that MassVOTE must be prepared to revise its strategy if and when it becomes necessary for us to do so.​

This is a key year, 2020, for MassVOTE and we have not lost sight of that. Passing Election Day Registration (EDR) remains one of our top priorities, as does getting out the count for the 2020 Census. Around these, we will continue to deliberate with legislators, organize grassroots-based support, and ensure that underrepresented communities have their voices heard.​Yet how we fulfill these tasks may change. Instead of holding in-person meetings with legislators and their staffs, for example, we may simply speak with them on the phone. As opposed to promoting and speaking at large-scale public gatherings, we may encourage that such meetings take place online.

While these circumstances are far from ideal, they are unquestionably necessary. The health and well-being of the people of Massachusetts – as well as the country and the world – always come first. Limiting person-to-person contact is just one way that we can all promote this health and well-being.Nevertheless, though we may change how we work, MassVOTE’s voice will remain as loud as it always has. The work remains as important as ever.


Cheryl Clyburn Crawford Executive Director, MassVOTE

​MassVOTE's offices are currently closed and will re-open at a date yet to be determined. We can be reached for all your needs at

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