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Press Release: AVR Passes 130 to 20 in the House


Contact: Gaby Quintero,

MassVOTE Statement on House Approval of Automatic Voter Registration Bill

MassVOTE has long supported making registration more universal and ensuring everyone has the opportunity to vote

BOSTON -- Wednesday, June 27, 2018 -- MassVOTE thanks the Massachusetts House for approving an Automatic Voting Registration (AVR) bill as a new avenue to increase voting accessibility to Massachusetts’ most vulnerable communities.

“After a long period of advocacy and hard work, along with the Election Modernization Coalition, we are grateful to the House for moving to transform our electoral process and make it more accountable and accessible to all individuals,” said Cheryl Clyburn Crawford, Executive Director of MassVOTE. “This bill will give more than 700,000 eligible, but unregistered, voters an opportunity to become civically involved and most importantly, to have a voice.”

While MassVOTE will continue to advocate for the bill to be passed by the Senate, signed into law by the governor, and fully implemented by the Secretary of State as soon as possible, the successful passage of today's bill is a step in the right direction.

AVR is an electoral reform whereby the state automatically registers eligible voters when they interact with a state agency like the Registry of Motor Vehicles or MassHealth, unless they choose to opt out.

MassVOTE plays a leading role in a coalition of nonpartisan organizations. Through these partnerships, we have promoted the passing of AVR by addressing letters to editors across the state, hosting neighborhood meetings, and organizing lobbying days at the State House around AVR.


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